
Vibration Analysis Training

Vibration analysis technologies are continuously developing and advancing. To stay updated and optimally utilize condition monitoring systems, troubleshooting, balancing, and alignment, professionals working with rotating machinery must familiarize themselves with the latest technologies through ongoing vibration analysis training. The experienced team at Tavator Sepahan Engineering Company, with over 30 years of practical experience, conducts various vibration analysis training courses both on-site at Tavator Sepahan Company and, upon customer request, in a customized manner.

The company also provides specialized consulting services in implementing condition monitoring systems and offers specific troubleshooting advice for sensitive machines.

The vibration analysis training courses offered by Tavator Sepahan Company are as follows:

  • Vibration Level 1

  • Vibration Level 2

  • Vibration Level 3

  • Balancing of Rotating Equipment

  • Alignment of Rotating Machinery

Vibration Levels 1 to 3 are scheduled in accordance with the ISO 18436-2 standard. These training courses must be completed sequentially, and it is necessary for trainees to gain between one to two years of practical experience between each course.

What is the ISO 18436-2 standard?

The ISO 18436-2 standard, titled:

“Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Machines – Requirements for Training and Qualification of Personnel – Part 2: Vibration Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics,” was published in 2003 to standardize the specialized levels of vibration analysis and the methodology for conducting examinations for these levels. Currently, all reputable institutions that provide vibration analysis training use this standard for the specialization grading in vibration analysis.

Level 1 Certified Technician

These technicians are measurement operators, so they must be familiar with the basic principles of mechanical vibrations to the extent that they understand the units and parameters of condition monitoring measurements. They should be able to reliably perform predefined measurements on single-channel analyzers, evaluate the measured values against predefined warning thresholds, identify any errors that may occur in these measurements, provide reports on their observations regarding the overall condition of the machine, and finally, transfer the measured data to a computer.

Course Topics:

  • Maintenance Activities

  • Condition Monitoring

  • Principles of Vibration

  • Data Acquisition

  • Signal Processing

  • Vibration Analysis

  • Troubleshooting

Level 2 Certified Technician

These technicians are primary analysts, so they must initially cover all the specialties of Level 1 vibration analysis training. Additionally, they should be capable of defining routine data collection, meaning they can set up the data acquisition and analysis related to basic signal analysis and perform additional measurements when unusual conditions arise. They should conduct single-channel impact tests, interpret and evaluate test results according to relevant specifications and standards, identify common faults, and recommend initial corrective solutions. These technicians should also be aware of and proficient in other recommended condition monitoring techniques to assess issues arising from routine condition monitoring.

Course Topics:

  • Principles of Vibration

  • Signal Recognition

  • Signal Processing

  • Waveform Analysis

  • Data Acquisition

  • Analysis Steps

  • Troubleshooting and Correcting Imbalance

  • Troubleshooting Misalignment

  • Troubleshooting Looseness

  • Troubleshooting Belts

  • Troubleshooting Bearings

  • Troubleshooting Electric Motors

  • Troubleshooting Gearboxes

  • Troubleshooting Pumps, Fans, and Compressors

  • Natural Frequency and Resonance

  • Setting Alarms

  • Acceptance Testing

Level 3 Certified Technician

These technicians are specialized analysts, so they must initially encompass all the knowledge and skills of Level 2 and be able to train lower-level technicians and provide technical knowledge. A Level 3 technician must have a deep understanding of the principles and techniques of machinery vibration analysis, being proficient in single-channel measurements, frequency spectra, time signals, orbits, basic operational deflection shape (ODS), and acceleration envelopes. They should competently design, lead, and manage a routine condition monitoring program, direct non-routine troubleshooting, and understand and guide other monitoring techniques to study and evaluate problems that cannot be solved through vibrational condition monitoring methods. Furthermore, they should be capable of overseeing corrective actions such as performing balancing operations and recommending machinery operation limits or shutdowns.

Course Topics:

  • Condition Monitoring

  • Signal Processing

  • Waveform Analysis

  • Phase Analysis

  • System Dynamics

  • Resonance and Natural Frequency

  • Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) Analysis

  • Modal Analysis

  • Correcting Resonance Issues

  • Rolling Element Bearings

  • Journal Bearings

  • Electric Motors

  • Gearboxes

  • Pumps, Fans, Compressors

  • Balancing

  • Alignment

  • Overview of Vibration Fault Repair Methods

  • Effectively Implementing a Condition Monitoring Program

  • Equipment Acceptance Testing

Level 4 Certified Technician

These technicians are expert analysts, requiring deep knowledge, sufficient skills, and experience. They should be able to diagnose machine faults and propose correction methods using mechanical vibration theory, signal analysis, multi-channel spectral analysis, rotor dynamics, gas pulsation dynamics, isolation, and damping techniques.

They must be capable of obtaining natural frequencies, mode shapes, damping values, and operational mode shapes through parameter identification techniques. Additionally, they should be able to lead two-plane balancing operations and provide recommendations for machine installation improvements through methods such as design modifications, flexible mounting, and redesigning foundations. Finally, they should be able to interpret the codes and standards published in the field of vibration analysis.


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town of Isfahan
Vibration Training

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condition monitoring
Field Balancing
Shop Balancing
Machinery Alignment
Vibration Labratoary

VB95 vibro balancer
Payande software
VM4-96 system
VM4 monitor
VM4-96-p monitor
monitoring software
cabin balance 93
BNC box
conectors and cable

لوگو تواتر سپاهان


Isfahan, University of Technology Boulevard, Isfahan Scientificand Research Town,12th Street, No. 308

Phone: 03133932080

Fax: 03133932079

